Deacon Michael at St Peter's Square.  Deacon Michael is also an Oblate of the Order of St Benedict attached to St Meinrad Archabbey.
Religious Education for our young people takes place every Sunday morning. The youngest group is seen here colouring images related to the Sunday readings.
Nyla Addly-Miller was baptised  by Deacon Michael.
Seen here holding her daughter is Vicky Adly with grandfather Chris Adly helping hold his grand-daughter.
Monsignor Johnson greets people before Mass and stands with Mrs Esther Rolle who remembers the monsignor as a young boy in Bimini.
Msgr Johnson was named a Chaplain of His Holiness by Pope St John Paul II in 1999.
Monsignor Preston Moss celebratimg Mass in Bimini.  
Msgr Moss was named a Prelate of Honour by Blessed Pope Paul VI and later was raised to the rank of Protonotary Apostolic by Pope St John Paul II in 1999.
Msgr Moss died in March 2019.
St Meinrad Archabbey and School of Theology organised a study programme in Rome which focused on early church history, ancient "house churches" and Benedictine spirituality which included visits to Subiaco and Monte Cassino -- abbeys founded by St Benedict over 1400 years ago.  Here Deacon Michael stands with programme director the Very Rev Denis Robinson, OSB, President-Rector of St Meinrad School of Theology.
Deacon Michael's five year diaconal training programme was conducted by St Meinrad's Seminary. Deacon Michael is a Benedictine oblate attached to St Meinrad.



The Pontifical Gregorian University, founded by the Jesuits, is one of the great theological universities located in Rome.
Knights and Dames of the Order of Malta of Miami brought much welcomed hurricane relief items to Bimini following Hurricane Irma. The group was led by  Dame Maria Cristina Diaz. The relief items were later distributed to the needy on the island.  Dame Maria and her husband and their fellow Order of Malta members, seen here, have seasonal homes on Bimini. They attend Holy Name Parish when they are here.
The Order of Malta is a Catholic order of knighthood that is 1000 years old and from its inception has been an order concerned with the needs of the sick and suffering.  Today, the Order helps in many countries with needed medical supplies and attention. The Grand Master of the Order is given the title "Eminent Prince" and ranks as a cardinal in the Church. 


Deacon Michael with Father Guiseppe Maria Siniscalchi of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal visited the parish and celebrated Holy Mass.


The courtyard of the great Abbey of Monte Cassino which was founded by St Benedict over 1400 years ago and which contains his tomb.
The abbey is about 100 miles south of Rome. It is considered the "Mother Abbey" of all Benedictine abbey's everywhere.


In a powerful homily Monsignor Preston Moss challenged the parish to be a community of "healers" and to pray.
He told the congregation to look to Jesus as the "good shepherd" as the "shepherd king" who was humble and who sought to heal, care and love others with great generosity.  He reminded the parish that Christ is King of All and that all creation revolves around Him and that all creation owes its continued existence to Him.

Monsignor Moss died in March 2019. 

Very Rev Denis Robinson, a Benedictine monk, led the study programme participants throughout Rome during their study seminar. They stand here at the great doors of the Cathedral of Rome -- St John Lateran. Fr Robinson is president-rector of St Meinrad School of Theology in Indiana.